Client: Fridge Door Productions
Date: July - November 2020
Role: Videographer/Editor
Brief: In a bid to reach more people (and then post-COVID, to move away from requiring a live audience), the Three Menopausal Maids, rebranded as the 3MMs, adapted their live material with new sketches to write up an original webseries. It is a sketch series and was a blast to shoot, although the pandemic meant that it was cut down from six episodes to five, as certain sketches, especially those with other people, were simply impossible to film. We shot this in a work bubble, despite the restrictions, working at weekends and doing everything we could with a two person crew, three cameras and suddenly very reduced access to locations!
As a result, I added a lot in post-production to build up the world around each of the characters a little more, creating not only promotional material for the show itself but various album covers, matte paintings, character illustrations and more for each individual episode.
Embedded below is the Playlist of all five episodes.
On Set
Set photos by Liv Duckmanton
IG: @liv_duck_

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